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Cancellation policies and

other financial matters

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(1) Deposits


An initial deposit of £200 is required from each guest to confirm their place on a tour with us.

(2) Confirmation of tours


We confirm all tours immediately, provided we have a minimum of two guests travelling with us. If you are a single traveller reserving a place on a new guest list, we shall not confirm that tour until such time as we have at least one more person on the list. We shall let you know just as soon as we have made that confirmation.

(3) Refunds


With the exception of a situation where only one person has requested to join a tour, some or all of the initial deposit is non-refundable as per notes 5 and 6 below. Where only one guest has asked to join a tour and where no confirmation has been issued, the deposit will be refunded to that guest at least 30 days prior to the proposed tour commencement date.

(4) Payment of tour balance


The balance of the tour cost will be required from each guest at least 30 days prior to departure.


(5) Cancellation by the guest


If a guest cancels a booking, cancellation fees (shown below) will apply, such cancellation only coming into effect upon the receipt of written confirmation from the guest by us. 


If a place is cancelled for a confirmed tour:


  • 60 days or more prior to departure, 50% of the deposit will be forfeited.

  • between 31 and 59 days prior to departure, 100% of the deposit shall be forfeited.

  • 30 days or fewer prior to departure, 100% of the total tour cost shall be forfeited.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​


Where a guest chooses to change tours rather than cancel, and given that this comes into effect at least 30 days before the commencement of the original tour, we shall happily facilitate this, subject to a £100 administrative fee.

**Personal insurance

It is each guest's individual responsibility to provide themselves with personal insurance if they wish to cover the potential financial loss caused by late cancellation. 



(6) Cancellation by Ethiopian Experiences. 


An unconfirmed tour may be cancelled by us at any time. Should a confirmed tour be cancelled by us for reasons outside of our control, including (but not limited to) terrorism, natural disasters, political instability or other factors which may prevent us from running that tour, a guest may either 


  • transfer all paid funds to a future tour date or

  • receive a full refund of finances already paid to us for the cost of the tour itself.


We are not responsible for any other costs that a guest may have incurred associated with this booking, including (but not limited to) flights, visas, vaccinations and insurance.

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